The overarching goal of MIUC is to develop students’ intelligence and skills and broaden their outlook to make them useful to Ghana and the world.
The vision of the MIUC is to enable every student develop self-confidence, self- knowledge and self-control. The School will offer an environment for the development of character with enriched virtues and noble ideas for its students. It will provide a holistic system of education to enable students achieve capacity for knowledge, values and wisdom and will nurture them for self-realization, discipline, creativity and innovation at the work place. Emphasis will be paced on academics and research blended with personality development, co-curricular activities and social service. Achievement of this vision will make MIUC one of the top three (3) private universities in Ghana and among the top twenty (20) universities in Africa in 10 years.
The mission of the MIUC is to achieve quality research and teaching through inter-disciplinary academic and research programs that: (i) promote excellence in university education with commitment to service to humanity; (ii) develops innovative and challenging best course curricula integrated with human values; (iii) produce skilled individuals who will be known for their innovative skills, analytical abilities, scientific temperament and entrepreneurial skills; (iv) promote co-curricular activities including social work and sports to encourage practical orientation and help students to develop a holistic and all-inclusive approach, with a widened outlook and broader understanding of life.
• Excellence – constantly aspire for the best way to attain the pinnacle of knowledge and learning;
• Humanism – search for innovative ways of reducing poverty and deprivation in Ghana and beyond through practical research, social works and community development activities;
• Tolerance – teach and ensure the virtue of diverse points of view while establishing one’s beliefs with clarity and conviction;
• Creativity and innovation – encourage teaching, learning and research freedoms that allow students and lecturers to deep dive into challenging development themes including entrepreneurial acumen, social laws and political economy of development situations; and
• Equity – Equality in recruitment and enrollment irrespective of race, color, tribe, religion, gender and social status.
(i) To admit, retain and graduate students who will contribute to the socio-economic development of Ghana and global community;
(ii) To improve academic quality through promotion of a climate of intellectual excellence in the delivery of high-quality training programs;
(iii) To increase academic an operational efficiency through strategic reduction of cost of programs and services;
(iv) To promote a culture of community service engagement outreach and support as part of research and corporate social responsibility;
(v) To provide excellent infrastructure, operational environment and facilities for extra-curricular activities to meet the needs of students and faculty; and
(vi) To expand educational opportunities for less privileged but brilliant people in communities.
There shall be ‘zero tolerance’ in the implementation of this policy to ensure respectful work place, trust and congenial environment for academic work to thrive on and off campus. The policy applies to all members of the School community including MIUC’s sponsored events and activities. Members of MIUC community including students, faculty and staff are encouraged to report any complaint about sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual assault to the appropriate authorities without delay. Persons found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action which shall include written warnings, suspension or dismissal from the University depending on the gravity of the offense.
The primary objective of this policy is to bring to notice of the University community that sexual harassment is discriminatory, provocative and could impede academic work, and as such not lawful in MIUC under any circumstance.
This policy shall be applicable to all members of Faculty, staff and students.
6.1 Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment involves the behavior of a person of either sex against the person of the opposite sex, or same sex, and occurs when such behavior constitutes unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of sexual nature. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(i) An unwanted physical advance or verbal approach of a sexual nature;
(ii) Subtle or overt pressure for sexual involvement;
(iii) Unwanted reference to one’s physical appearance, sexuality or to sexual activities;
(iv) Unwanted physical contact;
(v) The demand for sexual favors accompanied by implicit or explicit threats against one’s admission, job security or academic success;
(vi) Any comments or actions which denigrate a person based upon gender; and
(vii) Unsolicited sexual gestures or comments or the display of offensive, sexually graphic materials.
Examples of sexual harassment at MIUC
Specific examples of what may constitute sexual harassment at MIUC include:
(i) Unwanted sexual propositions, invitations, solicitations and flirtations;
(ii) Threats and insinuations linked to negative consequences of admissions, recruitment and employment, promotions and career progression, wages and benefits, academic grade, classroom work and general academic life;
(iii) Unwelcome verbal expressions of sexual nature including graphic sexual commentaries, appearance, use of degrading language, jokes and innuendoes, suggestive sounds, whistles and sexually provocative text and email messages, social media messages and phone calls;
(iv) Unwelcome and inappropriate touching, patting, pinching or obscene gestures;
(v) Sexually suggestive objects and pornographic materials including pictures, videotapes, audio recordings, computer-based communication, provocative dressing and any sexually appealing material made visible; and
(vi) Consensual sexual relationship where such relationships lead to favoritism of a student or employee and abuses the core principle of meritocracy.
6.2 Sexual Misconduct
Sexual misconduct is non-consensual physical contact of a sexual nature. It includes acts of using force, threat, intimidation, or advantage gained by the offended person’s mental or physical incapacity or impairment of which the offending person was aware or should have been aware. A charged person’s use of any drug, alcohol, judged to be related to an offense will be considered an exacerbating rather than mitigating circumstance.
6.3 Rape and Sexual Offense
Rape is a serious offense by the Laws of the Republic of Ghana and any member of MIUC community (Faculty, Staff, Student) who commits rape shall be subject to the Laws of Ghana on rape. Any member of MIUC community who commits sexual offense other than rape shall also be subjected to the Laws of the Republic of Ghana.
Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment by a member of MIUC community is encouraged to discuss the alleged acts immediately and confidentially with the Sexual Harassment Liaison Officer who shall be appointed by the President of MIUC. The matter shall be reported within a period not exceeding 10 working days. The Liaison Officer shall discuss the matter with the Sexual Harassment Committee (SHC)that will include two other representatives from faculty and administration appointed and published annually by the President of the University and the University attorney. Any complaints of alleged sexual harassment brought before the SHC will be discussed fully and confidentially with the person raising the complaint or concern and will require approval of the reporter prior to disclosure or direct investigation of the matter.
If, after discussion by the reporting person it is agreed between the reporting party and the Committee that a more detailed investigation is appropriate, the Committee shall be obliged to conduct full investigation. A third party may also file a grievance under this policy if the sexual conduct of others in the University affects or has the potential of negatively affecting the third party’s welfare and academic work.
No employee, applicant for employment, student or member of the public shall be subject to restraints, interference, coercion or reprisal for action taken in good faith to seek advice concerning a sexual harassment or sexual assault matter, to file a sexual harassment or sexual assault grievance, or to serve as a witness or a Committee member in investigating a sexual harassment or sexual assault grievance. Any act of retaliation shall be considered a gross violation of this policy and shall be investigated and sanctioned.
Any grievance or allegation found to be both false or malicious or both will be subject to disciplinary action which may include but not limited to written warning, demotion, suspension or dismissal.
Any person may seek advice, information or counseling on matters related to sexual harassment without having to lodge a complaint or grievance. Persons who feel they are being harassed, or unsure as to what they may be experiencing constitute sexual harassment or not should seek guidance from the Sexual Harassment Liaison Officer. Students may also seek guidance from the Office of the Dean of Students.
Members of MIUC community are assured that action shall be taken by the University authorities within 3 days once a sexual harassment or sexual assault case is reported. The University among other actions shall investigate the complaint, take immediate steps to end the harassment and eliminate any associated hostile environment if one has been created and implement measures to prevent the recurrence of such harassment.
There shall be both informal and formal resolution procedures. Informal grievance resolution will be sought to ensure that there is complete seizure of the alleged offending behavior immediately. It shall only apply to minor cases or attempted minor cases that excludes severe sexual harassment, rape and sexual assault. Actions related to informal grievance resolution may include writing a confidential letter to the alleged harasser informing him or her of the improper behavior and asking him to immediately stop it or asking another designated official to speak to the alleged offender or providing counseling to the alleged offender. Formal grievance resolution shall require filing of a written complaint which shall be formally investigated, and a determination made by the Sexual Harassment Committee. The Dean of Students shall be involved in the Committees work if the matter involves a student, The President of MIUC shall be involved in the resolution of a complaint if the case involves a member of faculty. The Director of Corporate Services shall be involved in the Committee’s work if the alleged offender is a staff.
Persons who wish to appeal against the decisions or sanctions of the Committee may do so using the following channels. (i) If the respondent is a student, the appeal shall be considered by the Sexual Harassment Committee with the participation of the Dean of Students; (ii) If the respondent is a faculty member, the appeal is considered by the President of MIUC or designated representative; and (iii) If the respondent is a staff member the appeal is considered by the Vice President.
Appeals will normally be considered only when: (i) new evidence which was not reasonably available at the time of the formal investigation becomes available; (ii) An allegation of substantial procedural error on the part of the investigator or investigatory process is made; and (iii) On the grounds that the sanction was excessive and severe in relation to the alleged offense.
Information on reported cases shall be kept confidential. Any information that may have to be made public shall first be discussed with the complainant and the extent to which confidentiality may limit the University’s also be discussed. There shall, however, be limitations of confidentiality where the case involves gross violations of the sexual harassment Laws of the Republic of Ghana.
The Sexual Harassment Committee will develop and disseminate relevant information on MIUC policy on sexual harassment and any additional information considered appropriate on the subject to all members of MIUC community. The Committee will also make copies of this policy on the University website. Sexual harassment prevention training, workshops and professional development seminars will be conducted for faculty, staff and students.
This policy will be revised from time to time as may become necessary.