These policies and procedures are binding rules and regulations of Mountville International University College (MIUC) and shall apply to all students. Students shall always adhere to them;

These rules and regulations shall apply to all students upon registration and so long as such students remain registered in MIUC;

Each student shall read these rules and regulations and sign the Declaration and Bond of good conduct; and

The University reserves the right to review and amend the content of this handbook without prior notice, but any amendments shall be communicated to students within reasonable time.



Definition of Student: Student for this purpose shall mean ‘any person who has duly signed the Nominal Roll and registered in a program of study at MIUC.

General Conduct of Students: All students shall uphold high moral and ethical values with the highest standards of integrity, personal discipline and morality and such additional values as stipulated in the Code of Conduct of the School.

Obligations of the Student: (i) Comply with all lawful instructions of the University; (ii) Honor the rights, freedoms and privileges of other members of the University and the public always; (iii) refrain from any conduct that may bring the University’s name into disrepute; (iv) Ensure good conduct in the School and in all public places; (iv) Keep to a decent dressing code always whether on or off campus; (v) Stay away from all acts of hooliganism, unruly or rowdy behavior, fighting, assault, excessive noise or any other acts that may cause the breach of the peace in the University or outside the University; (vi) Stay away from alcoholism, drug abuse or any other anti-social behavior that could disturb the peace and adversely affect student life on campus and the lives of other members of the community; (vii) Stay away from such vices as jealousy, pride, gossip, nepotism and profane behavior, etc. (viii) Not keep offensive weapons within the University premises or the hostel and its environs; (ix) Leave the School campus by 10 pm latest as may be directed by security on duty; (x) Not misuse, steal, destroy or damage any property of the school or member of the University community; (xi) Not show conduct which is obscene, offensive and indecent towards any member of the University Community or the public; (xii) Not provide false information about the University to anyone whether a member of the University community or the public; (xiii) Not convene, organize or participate in a gathering on the University premises without permission; and (xiv) Not convene, organize, instigate or participate in a political or protest demonstration in the University or its environs.

 Conduct in the Hostel: The University is not obliged to provide accommodation to any student but where accommodation is provided:

  • A student shall apply for such accommodation online and pay appropriate charges at designated Banks;
  • A student shall be given accommodation only after submission of receipts and proof of payment to the Finance Office and has been issued official receipt;
  • A student shall adhere to all laid down rules and regulations guiding the use of rooms and other facilities in the hostel;
  • A student shall not allow or host visitors and visitors of the opposite sex in their rooms at any time;
  • A student shall not remove furniture or equipment or any fixture from the hostel unless a written permission is obtained from the Manager of the hostel;
  • A student shall promptly report any loss, missing or misplaced items, or breakages in the rooms to the Manager or House keeper;
  • A student shall not vandalize, destroy, damage or deface any property belonging to the hostel;
  • A student shall surrender room keys and other property of the hostel to the Manager, Housekeeper or the Security at the end of the academic period or as may be arranged between the student and the Manager with approval by the Hostel Committee;
  • A student shall ensure that his/her room is clean and tidy always;
  • A student shall not under any circumstance interfere with electrical installations and water systems in the hostel;
  • A student shall only use electrical appliances that have been authorized by the Hostel Committee. Severe sanctions shall apply if any student violates this rule; and
  • Any student involved in breaking national laws shall be handed over to the law enforcement agencies of the state.


Examples of grievous offenses that may attract disciplinary action include but not limited to: (i)  Fighting; (ii)  Alcoholism; (iii)  Drug abuse; (iv)  Drug trafficking; (v)  Possession of illicit drugs and intoxicants; (vi) Assault; (vii) Bullying; (viii) Arson; (ix) Thievery; (x) impersonation; (xi) Forgery; (xii) Fraud and money laundering (xiii) Disobedience; (xiv)  Interfering with rights of others; (xv) Abetting crime or failure to report a criminal activity; (xvi) Rape or attempted rape; (xvii) sexual harassment; (xviii) Homosexuality and lesbianism; (xix) inciting other students or members of the School community; (xx) Unlawful picketing; (xxi) Publication or distribution of anonymous information of libelous or malicious nature; and (xxii) gambling, bribery, occultism, etc.


(i)                  Minor grievances shall be reported to the Dean of Students who shall take immediate action to resolve the matter within 10 working days;

(ii)                If the complaint remains unresolved within 10 working days, it shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee;

(iii)               The Student Grievance Management Committee in conjunction with the Dean of Students shall decide of any offense brought to its attention whether the offense is a minor offense or grievous offense; and

(iv)               Examples of minor offenses are noise making and causing disturbance, being cheeky and disrespectful, being a nuisance to others, improper dressing and hair styles that may cause disaffection and bring the name of the University into disrepute.


  • The Student Representative Council (SRC) shall establish a Grievance Management Committee to adjudicate matters of social nature and serve as a preventive mechanism to avoid indiscipline behavior in the University. The SRC shall set its own procedures of adjudicating student grievances which shall be fair and transparent and consistent with complaints handling principles of the University.
  • A student shall be given opportunity to appear before the Grievance Management Committee for a hearing prior to the determination of the case;
  • The Grievance management Committee shall notify the student in writing of its final decisions whether a student is guilty of the offense or not;
  • All sittings of the Grievance Management Committee shall be open, transparent and fair;
  • Disciplinary measures recommended by the Grievance Management Committee shall always be appropriate and commensurate with the offense committed and may include payment of a fine; and
  • Disciplinary measures taken against a student for grievous offenses shall be communicated to parents/guardians of the student.


  • The President of the University shall have the final authority in all disciplinary matters in the University and shall reserve the right to amend this code of conduct from time to time; and
  • Suspend any student found guilty of an offense or accused of an offense pending completion of investigation.


The Disciplinary Committee may impose one or more of the under-listed sanctions if a student is found guilty of an offense:

(i)                  Verbal caution;

(ii)                Written caution;

(iii)               Full recovery of the value of any property lost, damaged or defaced;

(iv)               Withdrawal of credit obtained in a study especially if offense relates to the study;

(v)                Suspension of student for a specified time;

(vi)               Expel student from the University;

(vii)             Remove the student from the hostel if he/she is accommodated; and

(viii)           Other disciplinary measures that may be recommended by the Disciplinary Committee.


  • A student found guilty of an offense whether grievous or minor shall have the right to appeal against the decision of the Student Grievance Management Committee at a cost stipulated in the schedule;
  • The Appeals Committee shall be constituted by the Dean of Students and the SRC and shall comprise five (5) members of the University community to hear minor cases;
  • The Appeals Committee for grievous offenses shall be constituted by the President of the University;
  • All Appeal shall be made through the Dean of Students within ten (10) working days following official communication to the student of the decision of the Grievance Management Committee; and
  • The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final.


  • The President of the University shall have the overall responsibility in maintaining law, order and discipline in the University;
  • The President may delegate part of this responsibility to any faculty and staff member of the University community;
  • All students shall ensure full compliance to the provisions of this code of conduct;



The provisions of this code of conduct and any decisions of the Committees responsible for managing grievances and appeals shall not prejudice the Ghana Police Service or a member of the public to institute legal proceedings or take legal action in respect of the same matter against any student in the Court of Law.


This Code of Conduct for Students will be revised from time to time as may become necessary.